(as defined by Webster's dictionary)
I believe that i was born as a 50 year old little boy....one of the reasons behind this bizarre thought is my extreme nostalgic personality. Even as a child i could never just throw anything away. Something always held such a special memory that i wanted to hold onto forever. So i just kept everything. I guess you could say i have been a pack-rat since birth. Anything i encountered i would save.
example: pillows that i have been using for the last 10 years. first pair of adult sized jazz shoes (and every pair following). ribbons from competitions that i have no idea what i was competing for. every birthday card ive gotten since age 5. Dr. pepper cans that i thought were cool because they had adds for movies that came out in 1995.
An extreme example of this "odd quirk" would be something that i discovered while beginging to move out of my apartment....
In a small shoe box(one of many containing millions of trinkets, books and other random items found in life) i found an old glass ring box. The content of the ring box was the collection of every tooth i had ever lost! I totally forgot that i even had it! CREEPY i kno but slightly laughable.
I'm not sure if i will regret the desiscion to loosen myself from the countless other items, but i basically went at my closet with an axe...i got rid of ALOT! but i kept the teeth lol.
im so strange.