Katie Holmes made me not "Get Happy"

So...hate me if you want but I HAD to get this out!!!!

For those of you who caught the results show for SYTYCD this week (being Thursday July 23rd) then you were given the pleasure, or the unfortunate chance, to watch Katie Holmes make a COMPLETE and TOTAL mockery out of all that is good in the eyes of the "stage".

I mean, really lady...
that was a very poor choice on the creative side of the show but....she was still totally awful!
Not only was the the song prerecorded in a studio, but her voice could not have withstood even the slightest bit more of filtering or editing. Her lip sync looked like a drag queen at Pulse on amateur night! And I'm going to stop now without even getting into her "dancing"...I think that display speaks for itself...

I know this was really harsh but it just frustrates me that she can be looked at and applauded for that...just because she is signing a check for a dance foundation...get real.

and one last thing....
in the interview Katie described her piece:
"this is sort of an homage to Judy Garland" ....BITCH Judy was ROLLING over in her grave!!! u dumped shit out an a classic Judy performance!

i leave you now to compare for yourselves.

Tending the Soul

Ground your roots deep within your heart and soul.
Feed them your deepest desires, thoughts and beliefs.
Let them lead you in the right direction, the one in which your heart finds peace and joy.

Allow your branches to stretch out to all walks of life. Let your leaves unfurl in the infinite breeze of time.

Leave your mark on everything and everyone you may come in contact with and let them leave a mark on you.

And if someone decides to trim a piece of you, bandage yourself and find the strength to to grow and move on.

Never allow yourself to stop growing toward the sky. The strength you need is already there within...all you need is to remember the power of learning and living.

Soak in the sunshine of the world around you and you will find endless possibilities.

comes and goes

Your guarded, judgmental eyes burn through my soul without a single glance.

Your unspoken words and thoughts grate against my innards.

Where I once saw comfort and safety i now only find locked doors and empty distaste.

This was never meant for this harsh and darkened road.

I asked for friendship and understanding...


I have found that acceptance is CRUCIAL to survival in this world
Although they are all different types of "acceptance" they all flow together.

You must accept the situations you find yourself in. Not to say that you can't change those situations but realize that the situation before you IS reality and nothing can change it for the present time. Your movement through time can only change the course. Take the things you are dealt and make them work.

You must accept who you are at your most basic, bare and inner levels. Do not fight to change because you are being told to. Balance who you are against the morals and beliefs that you find true and then change to match those. Inward change without true belief or understanding is a futile and treacherous journey for the soul.

Accept when things have passed. There are beginnings and endings all around us. You must be able to understand when they show themselves to you. Do what you can, but denial is only going to force you into a pit.

Accept those around you for what they are. Everyone has something to bring to the table of your life...have a spoon full and appreciate them for it.

Accept the choices that you make in life. Those choices and decisions may not always be the best a
nd you can always learn from them, but none the less they are yours. Apologize for them when you see fit and fix the messes you make, but remember you made them for a reason.

accept the truth and nothing else.