Dramatic broken hearts

So this is it.

 So this is the moment when you realize that there was nothing left to the carcass of your relationship before you even accepted that it had died. 
This is the moment when you see the txt drifting off. The endless one sided  conversation become lonelier and lonelier.  
This is the moment you see that you pushed out everything you had until the last drop and that maybe it wasn't as selfless as you'd intended. 
Maybe you did give with expectation of return. But what truly is a relationship if not that. A give and take. 
Did you really live in such a fantasy world that you convinced yourself the two of you worked. That you worked. That you were functioning. 
The best you can do is pick up that heavy piece of luggage known as the vascular work horse of the body brush it off and try not guard it with such angst. 
Then again this entire act is that of angst in itself. 
I'm gonna make like Elsa and "Let it go"

Words from the heart.

Captured within the Binds of my own heart. The cellblock prison which I constructed from the ground up. I see my frailty and my wrong. I see my power and my strength. I feel my love was strong enough but constant.

Leave behind self-pity and loneliness to take up a spirit of faith and adventure. Persevere onward toward the goal laid out before you. Breathe in the sun's sweet redemption. Forgive all those around you and most importantly forgive yourself. Release the bonds of this old world for she has taught you poorly. The lessons lay all around you in the passing of centuries left in ruin. Let go of those old thoughts and lean in closely to hear the words of new ones. The words radiate from the heart and from the hearts of all those around you even places you never once would have never thought could carry such brilliant joyful messages. You must listen closely for the heart it whispers. She has grown too timid from ages on ages of being forced to lay quiet within all of us. Take each day boldly and smile knowing you have come so much further than even you know now in your present state. 
Release your expectations and ownership of anything in this life. Know that you share everything you have. To give away anything you own, any piece of you even your words thoughts and smallest possessions is an active complete compassion and the purest love. Giving is an act of penance to the world for a goal of connectedness. Remember everyone that you meet is going through some ordeal something you may not know or be able to comprehend. As human beings we all share joy and experience a well of life that we all drink from the minute we take our first breath. We are one singular thing and entity sharing a beautiful world. Even in the darkest of times after your worst mistakes and downfalls there is the light embrace it be a part of it. Be an extension of light and love. Also forget not your weaknesses and dark sides know what serves you well and what serves others and even though they may not be the prettiest of sites embrace them as well. Do not always of self-service but be of service all those who's paths you cross even though she would have your head on a plate.

Love is Light. Light is life. Life is something we all share. Sharing is the Light. And the Light is love.