nostalgic child

(as defined by Webster's dictionary)

a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition ; also : something that evokes nostalgia

I believe that i was born as a 50 year old little of the reasons behind this bizarre thought is my extreme nostalgic personality. Even as a child i could never just throw anything away. Something always held such a special memory that i wanted to hold onto forever. So i just kept everything. I guess you could say i have been a pack-rat since birth. Anything i encountered i would save.
example: pillows that i have been using for the last 10 years. first pair of adult sized jazz shoes (and every pair following). ribbons from competitions that i have no idea what i was competing for. every birthday card ive gotten since age 5. Dr. pepper cans that i thought were cool because they had adds for movies that came out in 1995.

An extreme example of this "odd quirk" would be something that i discovered while beginging to move out of my apartment....
In a small shoe box(one of many containing millions of trinkets, books and other random items found in life) i found an old glass ring box. The content of the ring box was the collection of every tooth i had ever lost! I totally forgot that i even had it! CREEPY i kno but slightly laughable.

I'm not sure if i will regret the desiscion to loosen myself from the countless other items, but i basically went at my closet with an axe...i got rid of ALOT! but i kept the teeth lol.

im so strange.

Starting the moving process this morning....

lol a little excited.....


So as of late i find that I need something to use as an outlet of sorts.
and I'm going to try my hand at using a blog.

mostly for myself and witting,which i hardly ever get the chance to do, and i miss it so.

latest thought to put down in words:

Black and white is just not alright for me...people who find this "t
heory" of straight lines and little boxes perplex me so very much.
Why hinder life from breaking free from the black and white boundaries that we have so righteously placed on it.
Life was intended to blur and spin and dance...let go and listen to the sounds around you...
People's voices, thoughts and eyes have so much to show and tell for the much that you have not heard nor yet understand.

Never push those bringing new understandings and points of views to the table away. This is not your place. And if you do force them out...your life will never thrive and grow.